Festivals du Sud, a human adventure...
The international dimension of the folkloric ensembles and artistic troupes hosted, the formalities to be undertaken with the authorities of the countries of origin, the cost of international transport, medical assistance and repatriation insurance, have led to the main festivals Europeans to come together, in February 2006, in an association in order to facilitate diplomatic formalities and to distribute the programming costs of the amateur artists concerned.
Run on a non-profit basis by teams made up entirely of volunteers, this organization aims to be extremely professional in its way of welcoming artists and respectful of the ballets it receives.
The Festivals du Sud association seduces with the quality of the troops it brings together, the sincerity of the meetings, and the festive spirit it generates.
Festivals du Sud brings together, every summer, during the months of July and August, around fifteen folkloric ensembles and national ballets from all continents. They participate in the main festivals of European popular arts and traditions as part of a cultural tour.
The choice of groups is completed and confirmed at least one year before the start date of the Festivals du Sud tour.
Groups interested can contact directly contacts@festivalsdusud.com
They must be composed of adults. Everyone must have a complete show of a minimum duration of ninety minutes and a lively music orchestra and not use recorded music tapes. The number of artists must be at least twenty-five and forty at most.
The group requesting its participation must send a complete presentation file including video links, high definition color photographs, a brief presentation of its program and its history, a sheet on the composition of its workforce (number of dancers , singers, musicians, management staff).
Festivals du sud has relays all over the world. The association cannot satisfy all the requests made by groups wishing to participate in its international festivals. But it can give everyone the opportunity to participate one day if the group demonstrates patience, understanding, and the required qualities.
Téléchargez ici une présentation de Festivals du Sud
La programmation 2024 de Festivals du Sud vous attend ici en français
La programación 2024 de Festivals du Sud te espera aquí en español
Groups 2024
Ballet folkorique de Bolivie
"Manuel Acosta"
Ensemble folklorique national "Kolovit"
"Bale da Cultura Negra
do Recife"
Ballet folkorique
"Tupa Marka"
Ensemble folklorique national
Ensemble folklorique national
"Rising Choreos"
Ensemble folklorique
"Fiestas de Mexico"
Ensemble folklorique
"Everest Nepal Cultural Group"
Ensemble folklorique
"Boea Proviedanse"
Ensemble folklorique
Ensemble folklorique national
Ensemble folklorique
Information request
If you wish to receive artists from Festivals du sud, you must contact Festivals du sud as quickly as possible, indicating your choice of date and group.
As soon as possible, we will send you an electronic proposal confirming the selected troupe(s) that you wish to welcome, the dates chosen, the material conditions of this agreement (participation in international transport costs, insurance of assistance, start-up of the ballets , etc..).
From then on, your agreement in principle having been acquired, you will receive a formal letter allowing us to formalize the participation of the selected ensemble(s) and you will be asked to join the association. One or more electronic files presenting the troops, accompanied by press photos, will be provided to you by email. A request for a deposit will be made in the spring.
You will be asked to provide a certain amount of practical information allowing us to draft the reception and organization sheets for each of the troops you will welcome.
Finally, a few weeks before their arrival, a final message will confirm the size of each group, its composition, its arrival and departure times and other elements useful for the smooth running of our collaboration.
Reservations can be made from September for the following summer. “Festivals du sud” artists are only available in July and August each year
An Extranet site is available to Festivals du Sud members to manage the reception conditions for artists.
Festivals du Sud
Mairie de Tarascon sur Ariège
30, avenue Victor Pilhes
Association déclarée, le 1er juin 2006, auprès de la sous-préfecture de Limoux (Aude – France) sous le numéro 20060025 – annonce parue au journal officiel de la République française en date du 24 juin 2006 sous la référence 148. Le siège social de l’association a été transféré à la mairie de Tarascon sur Ariège – Ariège – France – le 12 février 2013. Référence de l’association : W110000067 – préfecture de l’Ariège – SIREN : 754 069 524 – SIRET : 754 069 524 00017 – APE : 9499Z. Statuts conforme à la loi du 1er juillet 1901 relative au contrat d’association publiée au journal officiel de la République française du 2 juillet 1901.
La asociación está constituida desde el 01 de junio de 2006 en la prefectura de Limoux (Aude – Francia) con el número 20060025, publicada en el boletín oficial de la República Francesa el día 24 de junio de 2006 con la referencia 148. La sede social de la asociación es en el ayuntamiento de Tarascon sur Ariège – Ariège – France. Sede acreditada el 12 de febrero de 2013 por el delegado del estado francés. Referencia de la asociación : WW110000067 – delegado del gobierno de Ariège – Francia. Numero SIREN : 754 069 524 – Numero SIRET : 754 069 524 00017 – Código APE : 9499Z. Los estatutos están elaborados según la ley del 01 de Julio de 1901, relativa al contrato de asociaciones publicado en el boletín oficial de la República Francesa del 02 de julio de 1901.
Declared association, on June 1st, 2006, under Prefecture of Limoux (Aude – France) – number 20060025 – announcement appeared in the book of the French Republic on June 24th, 2006 under the reference 148. References of the association : W110000067 – State French Republic reference SIREN: 754 069 524 – SIRET: 754 069 524 00017 – APE: 9499Z. Statutes in compliance with the law of July 1st, 1901 relative to the contract of association published to the book of the French Republic on July 2nd, 1901.