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Festivals du Sud, a human adventure...

The international dimension of the folkloric ensembles and artistic troupes hosted, the formalities to be undertaken with the authorities of the countries of origin, the cost of international transport, medical assistance and repatriation insurance, have led to the main festivals Europeans to come together, in February 2006, in an association in order to facilitate diplomatic formalities and to distribute the programming costs of the amateur artists concerned.

Run on a non-profit basis by teams made up entirely of volunteers, this organization aims to be extremely professional in its way of welcoming artists and respectful of the ballets it receives.

The Festivals du Sud association seduces with the quality of the troops it brings together, the sincerity of the meetings, and the festive spirit it generates.

Festivals du Sud brings together, every summer, during the months of July and August, around fifteen folkloric ensembles and national ballets from all continents. They participate in the main festivals of European popular arts and traditions as part of a cultural tour. 

The choice of groups is completed and confirmed at least one year before the start date of the Festivals du Sud tour.

Groups interested can contact directly

They must be composed of adults. Everyone must have a complete show of a minimum duration of ninety minutes and a lively music orchestra and not use recorded music tapes. The number of artists must be at least twenty-five and forty at most.

The group requesting its participation must send a complete presentation file including video links, high definition color photographs, a brief presentation of its program and its history, a sheet on the composition of its workforce (number of dancers , singers, musicians, management staff).

Festivals du sud has relays all over the world. The association cannot satisfy all the requests made by groups wishing to participate in its international festivals. But it can give everyone the opportunity to participate one day if the group demonstrates patience, understanding, and the required qualities.

Téléchargez ici une présentation de Festivals du Sud

La programmation 2025 de Festivals du Sud  vous attend ici en français

La programación 2025 de Festivals du Sud te espera aquí en español

Festivals associated with Festivals du Sud 

France :            Festival des Cultures du Monde - Gémenos (13) / INTERFOLK - Le Puy en Velay (43) / Rythmes du Monde – Tarascon sur Ariège (09) / Couleurs du Monde – Castres (81) / La Farandole – Nice (06) / Fêtes Latino - Mexicaines – Barcelonnette (04) / Festival des Cultures du Monde – La Fage-Saint-Julien (48) / Festival RITE – Saint-Girons (09) / Dax La Féria – Dax (40) / Festival FOLKOLOR – Montréjeau (31) / Festival Cultures et Traditions du Monde – Romans sur Isère (26)

Espagne :           Festival Folklórico de los Pirineos – Jaca / Festival Internacional de Folklore - Villa de Ingenio / Folklore Bizian - Galdakao  / Festival Internacional de Folclore – Burgos / Festival Internacional de Folklore JAIALDIA – Portugalete / Muestra Internacional de Folklore « Por las tierras de Cantabria » - Torrelavega / Festival Folklórico de los Pueblos del Mundo de Extremadura / ESDANSA – Les Preses / Festival FESTIFALK – Alcalá de la Selva

Italie :             Festival Folk – Bolotona / LATIUM World Folkloric Festival – Cori

Suisse :          Rencontres de Folklore Internationales – Fribourg / CIME – Évolène / FIFO – Martigny

Belgique :           Festival Mondial de Folklore – Saint-Ghislain

Slovénie :            FOLKART - Maribor